2019 Civil Service People Survey Results

In line with all Civil Service departments HMCPSI completes the annual Civil Service People Survey, 2019 full results are below in the attached document. The scores set out below show the headline scores for the nine themes included in the survey. We also have set out our overall engagement score and completion rate. HMCPSI are proud to be an organisation that has scores that places us in the ‘Civil Service High Performers’ and to have recorded scores above the High Performer average in all themes assessed by the People Survey.’

HMCPSI’s Civil Service People Survey Highlights Report

Engagement Index 79% +16% above the civil service average
My work 86% +9% above the civil service average
Organisational objectives and purpose 93% +11% above the civil service average
My manager 80% +9% above the civil service average
My team 88% +7% above the civil service average
Learning and development 72% +17% above the civil service average
Inclusion and fair treatment 85% +6% above the civil service average
Resources and workload 89% +15% above the civil service average
Pay and benefits 61% +27% above the civil service average
Leadership and managing change 80% +31% above the civil service average
Returns 96%

2019 People Survey Results (445 kB)