Inspectorates issue second Urgent Notification for Rainsbrook Secure Training Centre
Ofsted, HM Inspectorate of Prisons and the Care Quality Commission have issued a second Urgent Notification for Rainsbrook Secure Training Centre.
During a June inspection, the inspectorates found that serious and widespread failings at the centre had put children and staff at risk of harm. They have written to the Secretary of State for Justice, triggering an Urgent Notification (UN) for the second time in six months.
The letter highlights serious failures of leadership and staff who are ill-equipped to care for the centre’s highly vulnerable children. Inspectors found that unsafe practice still continues and is not being appropriately dealt with, while the disconnect between senior leaders and staff on the ground has deteriorated since previous visits.
The Ministry of Justice announced on 16 June that it had taken the decision to remove all children from the centre.