Women are supported by welfare services during their time in detention and prepared for release, transfer or removal before leaving detention.

72. Women’s welfare needs are systematically assessed and addressed while they are in detention.

The following indicators describe evidence that may show this expectation being met. They do not exclude other ways of achieving it.

  • There is an accessible welfare service to address needs. Welfare staff are appropriately selected and trained, and their work with women is properly documented and evaluated.
  • Women are able to obtain support for immediate pressing welfare matters caused by their detention from an appropriate person in private, within 24 hours of their arrival.
  • Support needs, and in particular those relating to release or removal, are systematically assessed on arrival and dealt with through ongoing casework documented in a regularly reviewed welfare plan.
  • Welfare casework includes support with practical matters inside detention and help with external problems caused by ongoing detention, or which are difficult to resolve because of detention.
  • Welfare casework ensures that women who are removed are able to settle their affairs in the UK, that their bank accounts are closed and they do not leave behind any property or money.
  • Welfare casework ensures that women who are released in the UK have good quality advice and support with housing, finance and other practical matters.
  • Women are helped to contact their consular officials and are given appropriate advice about re-entry bans.
  • External voluntary and community sector organisations are proactively engaged by the centre to enhance support for women, including gender-specific services and support for women who have experienced gender-based violence and exploitation.

Human rights standards

In relation to expectation 72 above: Human rights standards emphasise that consideration must be given from the beginning of a period of detention to the detainee’s future after release, including the detainee’s need for assistance on release. See SMR 107, 108.