Children are cared for by staff and treated with respect for their human dignity.

Relationships between staff and children

Children are treated with care by all staff, and are expected, encouraged and enabled to take responsibility for their own actions and decisions. Staff set clear and fair boundaries. Staff have high expectations of all children and help them to achieve their potential.

Find out more about our expectations for relationships between staff and children.

Daily life

Children live in a clean and decent environment and are aware of the rules and routines of the establishment. They are provided with essential basic services, are consulted regularly and can apply for additional services and assistance. The complaints and redress processes are efficient and fair.

Find out more about our expectations for daily life.

Equality and diversity

The establishment demonstrates a clear and coordinated approach to eliminating discrimination, promoting equitable outcomes and fostering good relations, and ensures that no child is unfairly disadvantaged. This is underpinned by effective processes to identify and resolve any inequality. The diverse needs of each child are recognised and addressed.

Find out more about our expectations for equality and diversity.

Health services

Children are cared for by services that assess and meet their health, social care and substance use needs and promote continuity of health and social care on release. The standard of health service provided is equivalent to that which children could expect to receive elsewhere in the community.

Find out more about our expectations for health services.