
Prisoners benefit from constructive time out of cell and opportunities to access support to explore their attitudes, thinking and behaviour. There is a clear focus on how prisoners can be deselected from the centre. Prisoners are supported to maintain contact with family and friends.

Individual case management

Opportunities to progress from the centre are clearly promoted and prisoners are able, and expected, to engage in them. All prisoners have a robust individual sentence plan which is based on an assessment of their offending-related risks and needs. This is regularly reviewed and implemented to reduce reoffending.

Find out more about our expectations for individual case management

Time out of cell and purposeful activities

Prisoners have sufficient time out of cell and are encouraged to engage in recreational and social activities which support their well-being and promote effective rehabilitation.

Find out more about our expectations for time out of cell and purposeful activities

Children and families and contact with the outside world

The centre supports prisoners’ contact with their families and friends. Programmes aimed at developing parenting and relationship skills are provided. Prisoners not receiving visits are supported in other ways to establish or maintain family support.

Find out more about our expectations for children and families and contact with the outside world

Planning for reintegration or release

Prisoners are supported when they move to another separation centre, to mainstream prison locations or to secure health facilities. Resettlement support is provided for release into the community.

Find out more about our expectations for planning for reintegration or release