24. Respectful outcomes for detainees are supported by effective leadership and management.

The following indicators describe evidence that may show this expectation being met. They do not exclude other ways of achieving it.

  • Managers take personal responsibility for providing decent living conditions.
  • The environment is suitable for families, who are held in open and relaxed conditions.
  • Managers ensure that appropriate activities are provided for all age groups.
  • Managers model and encourage pro-social behaviour among staff.
  • Managers have a clear strategy for listening to and taking account of the perceptions of families, even if they are detained for a very short time.
  • Managers value equality, diversity and faith provision. Rules and systems are applied impartially and meet needs, and all detainees can practise their religion.
  • Managers ensure that detainees’ health and well-being needs are met.

Human rights standards

Leadership and management of respect
See standards relating to staff-detainee relationships (in relation to expectations 17 and 18).