Opportunities to progress from the centre are clearly promoted and prisoners are able, and expected, to engage in them. All prisoners have a robust individual sentence plan which is based on an assessment of their offending-related risks and needs. This is regularly reviewed and implemented to reduce reoffending.

9. Prisoners receive the support they need to address their risks.

The following indicators describe evidence that may show this expectation being met, but do not exclude other ways of achieving it.

  • All prisoners have a comprehensive care and management plan, developed by a multidisciplinary team, which promotes risk reduction.
  • Prisoners can contribute to the development and delivery of their plan.
  • Where safe and appropriate, a prisoner’s family member or other significant person is invited to attend a care plan review if it is deemed beneficial to the overall care and management of the prisoner. Prisoners are involved in decisions to involve family members or other significant people.
  • Comprehensive reviews of prisoners’ care and management plans are based on a wide range of information, undertaken at agreed intervals and following any significant change in risk or need.
  • There is effective, routine management oversight of the quality of the care and management plan.

10. Prisoners have a comprehensive sentence plan aimed at reducing reoffending and are supported in their efforts to achieve their targets.

The following indicators describe evidence that may show this expectation being met, but do not exclude other ways of achieving it.

  • Prisoners, together with the offender manager and other relevant staff, are involved in drawing up and reviewing sentence plans. These are based on a comprehensive assessment of offending behaviour.
  • The level of contact between prisoners and their designated offender manager in the prison or community reflects the assessed levels of offending-related risk and need. Contact is structured and clearly focused on reducing reoffending.
  • Contact with key workers, psychologists, and other staff is regular and meaningful and supports the delivery of the sentence plan.
  • Staff conduct offence-related work on a one-to-one basis where needed.
  • There is good cooperation and communication between all organisations and departments delivering rehabilitative work.
  • Prisoners are encouraged and motivated to engage with interventions and are prepared thoroughly for them.
  • Prisoners can access tailored interventions and support which promotes a reduction in reoffending.

11. Prisoners’ risk of harm to others is minimised through the proper application of public protection requirements in custody. Prisoners are informed about any relevant decisions.

The following indicators describe evidence that may show this expectation being met, but do not exclude other ways of achieving it.

  • Prisoners are informed of the arrangements for managing the risk of harm they pose to others, the implications for them personally and the opportunities available to them for challenge, unless there are well-evidenced security considerations.
  • Multi-agency structures for protecting and safeguarding the public (such as MAPPA) are used effectively.
  • Contact restrictions are implemented swiftly and effectively and are regularly reviewed.
  • Mail and telephone monitoring are up to date and effective.
  • Applications for contact with children are managed robustly and completed without unnecessary delay.
  • The best interests of the child are paramount when assessing a prisoner’s access to children and consideration of best interests includes consultation with relevant agencies.
Human rights standards

In relation to expectations 9 to 11: prisoners must be provided with sufficient rehabilitation opportunities throughout their sentence, including when separated from other prisoners. Planning for rehabilitation should commence on admission, take into account individual circumstances, including the need for social work or psychological care, and include input from the detainee. Plans should be reviewed regularly in consultation with the prisoner and all relevant staff. See ECHR 3, 5, 8; EPR 102–104, SMR 91, 92, 94.