41. Force is only used against prisoners as a last resort and never as a punishment. When it is used, force is legitimate, necessary, proportionate and subject to rigorous governance.

The following indicators describe evidence that may show this expectation being met, but do not exclude other ways of achieving it.

  • There is a use of force minimisation strategy in place that involves the separation centre and includes the dissemination of good practice in avoiding the use of force.
  • Staff have up-to-date training in approved use of force methods.
  • Staff routinely use de-escalation techniques.
  • Body-worn video cameras are used to film spontaneous use of force incidents and as a de-escalation tool. Footage is available for review.
  • Prisoners with challenging behaviours, including as a result of past abuse, trauma, disability or personality disorder, have care plans which highlight risk factors and set out alternative management protocols which reduce the likelihood of restraint techniques becoming necessary.
  • A handling plan is in place for individual prisoners with a medical condition who may be adversely affected by restraint. All staff are aware of the information in the plan and use it during restraint.
  • Planned use of force is properly authorised and force is only ever used when all other avenues of persuasion have been exhausted.
  • Health staff recognise the risks associated with restraint and brief staff appropriately for all planned interventions.
  • Health staff independently monitor and assess a prisoner’s physical health during and after any use of force incident. All required treatment and interventions are initiated promptly, including consideration of the prisoner’s well-being.
  • All prisoners subjected to force are given the opportunity to talk about their experience with someone not involved in the incident as soon as possible after it has happened.
  • The use of personal protection equipment by staff is proportionate to the risks posed and is reviewed regularly by senior managers.
  • Handcuffs are only used when there is evidence that it is necessary and proportionate and when properly authorised.
  • Use of force data are recorded and monitored and emerging patterns and trends identified and acted on.
  • Use of force documentation is completed promptly.
  • Use of force documentation and associated CCTV or video footage is retained appropriately and is scrutinised by senior managers to identify good practice, disproportionate behaviour, opportunities for improvement and possible ill-treatment.
  • Staff are always clearly identifiable during a use of force incident.
  • Medical assistance is provided to treat any person injured as a result of the use of force or restraint techniques.

42. Prisoners are only located in special or unfurnished accommodation or placed in handcuffs or strip clothing as a last resort, with proper authorisation and with measures taken to protect their dignity.

The following indicators describe evidence that may show this expectation being met, but do not exclude other ways of achieving it.

  • The use of any cell from which normal furniture, bedding or sanitation has been removed is authorised and recorded as a use of special/unfurnished accommodation.
  • Prisoners with severe mental illness or at risk of suicide or self-harm are not held in special or unfurnished accommodation except in clearly documented exceptional circumstances, on the authority of the governor and in consultation with the mental health team.
  • Monitoring of prisoners in special or unfurnished accommodation is carried out at frequent and irregular intervals.
  • Staff encourage and support prisoners to return to a normal cell at the earliest opportunity.