
Detainees, particularly the most vulnerable, are held safely.

Early days in custody

Detainees transferring to the establishment are safe and their needs are met. On arrival, detainees are treated with respect and any risks are identified and addressed. Detainees are safe and supported on their first night. Induction is comprehensive.

Find out more about our expectations for early days in custody.


The establishment provides a safe environment which reduces the risk of self-harm and suicide. Detainees at risk of self-harm or suicide are identified and given appropriate care and support. The establishment promotes the welfare of children and protects them from all kinds of harm and neglect. Any vulnerable adults at risk are identified, protected from harm and neglect and receive effective care and support.

Find out more about our expectations for safeguarding.

Managing behaviour

Detainees live in a safe, well ordered and motivational environment. Unacceptable conduct is dealt with in an objective, fair, proportionate and consistent manner. Positive behaviour is promoted and rewarded.

Find out more about our expectations for managing behaviour.


Security and good order are maintained through attention to physical and procedural matters, including effective security intelligence and positive relationships between staff and detainees. Detainees are safe from exposure to substance misuse and there are effective drug supply reduction measures.

Find out more about our expectations for security.