North Tyneside Youth Justice Service rated as ‘Outstanding’

North Tyneside Youth Justice Service (YJS) has received an overall rating of ‘Outstanding’ following a recent inspection by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Probation.

North Tyneside YJS work with children aged 10 to 17. The majority of children under their supervision are aged 15 to 17 (63 per cent), male (76 per cent) and white (96 per cent). They supervise children with complex needs and some are in the care of the local authority (Looked After Children).

HM Inspectorate of Probation’s Director of Operations Marc Baker said: “The work of North Tyneside YJS is delivered to a very high standard. Youth justice staff have a passion for working with children, whose needs are carefully balanced with the potential risk they may pose to others and the support offered to victims.”

‘Outstanding’ is the highest rating possible awarded following an inspection. In particular, inspectors were impressed with North Tyneside YJS’s management of children serving court sentences (court disposals) and children serving cautions or community sentences (out-of-court disposals).

Mr Baker continued: “The range of services available to children under the supervision of North Tyneside YJS was impressive, and care is taken to tailor a child’s needs to the type of intervention they require. This was particularly the case for children who have suffered significant trauma. Staff also understand the importance of having good working relationships with partner organisations, like the police and local authorities, to reduce the likelihood of reoffending.”

Inspectors outlined the strong leadership at North Tyneside YJS – noting they have a clear vision for their work, which is understood by youth justice staff and board members alike. All those associated with the running of the service were praised for their motivational attitudes.

Mr Baker concluded: “Organisations that are well led and well managed are more likely to achieve their aims. In this case, North Tyneside is led by an inspirational management team that have realistic goals and champion the work of their staff. Everyone we spoke to, and the cases we analysed, left us in no doubt this is a service of skilled and experienced people who are dedicated to their work.”

Inspectors have recommended the North Tyneside Youth Justice Service increases the involvement of children under supervision and their families in how they will be managed, involve staff further in the development of the service as a whole, and improve the way out-of-court disposals are assessed.

This inspection took place in April 2021. The fieldwork was conducted via off-site analysis of case files and – due to Covid-19 restrictions – telephone and video interviews and conferences.


Notes to editor

  1. The report is available at on 29 July 2021 00.01.
  2. HM Inspectorate of Probation is the independent inspector of youth offending and probation services across England and Wales.
  3. The Inspectorate uses a four-point scale: ‘Outstanding’, ‘Good’, ‘Requires improvement’ and ‘Inadequate’. The Inspectorate rates specific aspects of each service and also gives an overall rating.
  4. Fieldwork for this inspection took place in April 2021.
  5. For media enquiries, please contact Corporate Communications Manager Diane Bramall 07929 790 564 or (E-mail address)