Approved Premises – Consultation

HM Inspectorate of Probation is holding a series of consultations around its plans to launch a programme of approved premises (AP) inspections.

Approved premises play a key role in the provision of Probation Services, offering an enhanced level of public protection in the community and supporting the resettlement and rehabilitation of individuals who have committed serious offences.

Our consultation on the inspection of approved premises

In this consultation, we are asking people with experience working in the Probation Service or approved premises for views on our proposed standards for AP inspections and how we plan to deliver them. Our aim is to focus on the things that make a difference to the quality of work in APs, aligning strategic activity with frontline delivery to residents.

Download our consultation document here (PDF, 461 kB).

We are asking you to review our plans and respond to 13 questions that will help shape an approach that best provides reassurance and drives improvement across APs.

This consultation will close at 23.59 on 21 July 2024. We welcome your views on the detail of our proposals and hope you will take the opportunity to respond.

Consultation events – June 2024

The Inspectorate will be sharing its plans for inspecting Probation Service approved premises at three consultation events in June, and is inviting interested parties to share their thoughts and contribute to the programme’s development.

You’ll hear from:

  • Head of Probation Inspection Programme, Simi O’Neill
  • Head of Policy and Standards, Helen Mercer
  • HMI Inspectors, Dave Argument and Billy Finnegan

If you work in an approved premises, the Probation Service, or are a third-party provider or stakeholder, we are keen to hear your views. Please use the links below to sign up:

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