
Welcome to HM Inspectorate of Probation Careers.

Here you’ll find information about our current vacancies, a chance to meet our staff, and why we’re committed to having a diverse and inclusive workforce.

Current Vacancies 

Our Expressions of Interest page provides information about the relevant roles and how to sign up to receive vacancy notifications for HM Inspectors and HM Assistant Inspectors.

Expressions of Interest

What the job entails

A career at HM Inspectorate of Probation is varied and challenging. As an inspector or assistant inspector, you will be part of a team working to improve probation and youth justice services through professional and rigorous assessment.

You will help us to build up a picture of each service by conducting interviews and focus groups with senior leaders, staff and service users; analysing samples of cases and other sources of data; and writing/contributing to inspection reports. You will also have the opportunity to contribute to thematic inspections that address key national issues.

If you have relevant experience, coupled with empathy and curiosity, read on!

Mentoring scheme

We are pleased to launch our Mentoring Scheme for inspection staff vacancies. All applicants for Assistant Inspector and HM Inspector posts who are invited to attend our assessment centre will be contacted by one of our recruitment mentors. Our recruitment mentors are current members of our inspection staff team. They will offer one-to-one support and guidance to candidates throughout the assessment centre process and be on hand to answer questions – about the recruitment process or the job role itself. We are committed to recruiting the best people into our organisation and to enabling candidates to give their best throughout the recruitment process.

Meet our staff

Want to know what it’s like to transfer from probation and youth justice services to the Inspectorate? Or how you can juggle working as an inspector and having a family? Or learn more about our commitment to diversity? Click on the videos below to find out more.

  • Avtar
  • Simi
  • Julie
  • Paulette
Meet Avtar, one of our experienced HM Inspectors…

One of the best decisions I’ve ever made was to join the Inspectorate. It’s an organisation that is working so hard to improve probation service delivery…

Disclaimer: we use an external platform to host our videos. Recommendations for further viewing may appear at the end of the video and are beyond our control.

Meet Simi, our Head of Probation Inspection Programme…

I became involved in driving service delivery improvements at a local level when the opportunity arose for me to join HM Inspectorate of Probation.

Disclaimer: we use an external platform to host our videos. Recommendations for further viewing may appear at the end of the video and are beyond our control.

Meet Julie, retired HM Inspector, who discusses her career during her time at the Inspectorate…

I’ve had time since I retired to reflect on what working for them meant for me. It was hard work, it was fun there were lots of positive teamwork going on and I enjoyed the travel. And I can confidently say it’s one of the best jobs I ever had…

Disclaimer: we use an external platform to host our videos. Recommendations for further viewing may appear at the end of the video and are beyond our control.

Meet Paulette, one of our newest HM Assistant Inspectors…

This is the only job I’ve done so far in my career where I’ve been afforded the opportunity to really reflect on how to actually improve practice…

Disclaimer: we use an external platform to host our videos. Recommendations for further viewing may appear at the end of the video and are beyond our control.

Current jobs

Expressions of Interest

If you would like to subscribe to our mailing list and be notified about future recruitment campaigns for HM Inspector and HM Assistant Inspector positions, please visit our Expressions of Interest page.