Contemporary probation practice is based upon the ASPIRE model of case supervision. In our core inspections, we judge the quality of delivery in individual cases against the stages of the ASPIRE process:

  • Assessment
  • Sentence Planning
  • Implementation
  • Review
  • Evaluate

As set out in the figure below, the process is cyclical, reflecting the research evidence that desistance is typically a gradual, non-linear and multidimensional process, with thoughtful consideration needing to be given to how relapses should be dealt with. Service users have highlighted the importance of each stage of the ASPIRE process involving real collaboration and co-production.

Cyclical process diagram shows reviewing (review progress on objectives, identify evidence of progress, highlight achievements and decide what needs to be done next), assessment (risks, need, responsivity and resources), planning (decide how these problems are to be tackled, set objectives of supervision and decide what action is to be taken, by whom and when) and implementation (put plan into action, keep records, monitor progress and troubleshoot difficulties).


Next: Assessment
Last updated: 18 December 2020